Specially designed to read various kinds of travel documents, passports, driving licenses, ID cards and etc., Wintone® Passport Reader is a powerful and multipurpose management application that makes it a perfect solution for automatically data input smart phones from the travel documents.
With Wintone Passport Reader you can:
• Quickly extract the data from your travel documents right onto your smart phones;
• Allow other apps to call Wintone Passport Reader APK;
• Seamlessly integrate the data extract function into your APP with Wintone Passport Reader SDK.
The features of Wintone Passport Reader:
- Multi-purpose
Read multiple documents that comply with ICAO 9303 Doc specification, such as passport, visa, MRZ; and customize non-ICAO 9303 documents according to customer’s different requirements,such as your local ID card and driver license;
- Quick and time saving
Only 1s -2s to process one document;
- Automatic detection and OCR processing
Just place the document properly, it will detect and capture the image automatically, free your hands and eliminate human typing error;
- Easy to integrate
With detailed API user guide and full SDK, it is easy to integrate Wintone Passport Reader into your own application system.
Please note that there shall be error in the OCR results and the recognition time can be different depending on the different configuration of your mobile device. We provide trial license for our full passport reader SDK, if you want to know more, don't hesitate to contact us:
[T]: 86 (0)10 82525969
[E]: liumi@wintone.com.cn enwintone@gmail.com
[M]: 86-13693608287
[Skype] sophie99709
[URL]: www.wintone.com.cn
- 多功能
阅读多个文档与ICAO 9303文件规范遵守,如护照,签证,MRZ;并可根据客户的不同要求,如您当地的身份证和驾驶执照定制非ICAO 9303文件;
- 快速和节省时间
只有1S -2S来处理一个文档;
- 自动检测和OCR处理
- 易于集成
[T]:86(0)10 82525969
[E]:liumi@wintone.com.cn enwintone@gmail.com
[Skype的] sophie99709